
Procedure for the Gas and Hydrogen Network Development Plan (NDP)

The procedure of integrated network development planning (NDP) for gas and hydrogen consists of two components: the scenario framework and the network development plan. In accordance with the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), the regulated long-distance transmission system operators and regulated hydrogen transportation system operators are responsible for this.

The requirements of the Gas and Hydrogen NDP are defined by the Energy Industry Act (Sections 15a to 15d EnWG), which was amended in 2024, and based on the EU-wide network development plan (Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009). The Coordination Office submits the drafts of the transmission system operators and the operators of hydrogen transport networks to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) for review. Authorities, key market participants and the public are consulted.


Draft scenario framework

The transmission system operators and the operators of hydrogen transport networks are obliged to jointly prepare a scenario framework for the gas and hydrogen NDP every two years, for the first time in 2024, and to submit it to the coordination body. The coordination body submits the draft scenario framework to the Federal Network Agency for approval by the end of June 30 of each even calendar year at the latest.

The scenario framework comprises at least three scenarios that cover the range of probable developments within the framework of the Federal Government’s climate and energy policy targets for at least the next ten and at most 15 years. Three further scenarios must consider the year 2045 and present a range of probable developments based on the statutory and other climate and energy policy targets of the German government.

The operators of transmission networks and the regulated operators of hydrogen transport networks are obliged to involve all affected network operators appropriately in the preparation of the scenario framework. This applies in particular to operators of gas distribution networks, hydrogen networks that are not transportation networks, other pipeline infrastructures that can be converted to hydrogen pipelines and electricity supply networks.

In order to meet this requirement, the grid operators have set up a grid transformation working group under the umbrella of KO.NEP, for example, in which the exchange on grid planning issues between DSOs and TSOs or H2 transport grid operators takes place.

In addition, there is closer coordination between gas and electricity TSOs. For the scenario framework for the Network Development Plan 2025, the gas and electricity TSOs conducted a joint market survey on the infrastructure requirements for electricity and hydrogen (including power-to-gas) for the first time.

Regulated transmission system operators and regulated hydrogen transmission system operators
Draft of the scenario framework

Consultation on scenario framework

With the scenario framework, the transmission system operators and regulated operators of hydrogen transport networks present reasonable assumptions about the development of the production, supply and consumption of gas and hydrogen and their exchange with other countries as well as decarbonization. This includes, for example, planned investment projects in regional and Community-wide grid infrastructure as well as in gas and hydrogen storage facilities and LNG regasification plants. The scenario framework must take appropriate account of the specifications of the system development strategy of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and local or regional heating plans. The BNetzA publishes the draft scenario framework on its website and gives the public, including actual or potential grid users and affected grid operators, the opportunity to comment.

Public/ Federal Network Agency

Confirmation of scenario framework

The BNetzA approves the scenario framework, taking into account the results of public participation, within a statutory target period of six months after the scenario framework is submitted to the BNetzA by the coordination body.

Federal Network Agency
Confirmed scenario framework

Draft network development plan

Based on the specifications of the confirmed scenario framework, the transmission system operators and hydrogen transmission system operators prepare the first draft of the gas and hydrogen NDP and submit it to the coordination body. The gas and hydrogen NDP must include all effective measures to optimize, reinforce and expand the grids in line with demand and efficiency. The distribution system operators must be appropriately involved in the selection of measures. Special consideration must be given to the implementation of the German government’s climate policy goals and security of supply. The implementation report is integrated retrospectively into the NDP document for the last NDP cycle.

Regulated transmission system operators and regulated hydrogen transmission system operators
1st draft NDP

Consultation on the network development plan

Before the Coordination Body submits the draft NDP Gas and Hydrogen to the BNetzA, it publishes it on its website and gives the public, including actual and potential grid users and affected grid operators, the opportunity to comment. The draft must be published by the end of May 31 of each odd-numbered calendar year at the latest.

Public / market participants

Revision of the network development plan

Based on the comments and consultation results received, the revised gas and hydrogen NDP will be submitted to the BNetzA for confirmation immediately after completion, but no later than ten months after approval of the scenario framework by the coordination body. The BNetzA can request changes to the second draft of the gas and hydrogen NDP from the transmission system operators and the hydrogen transmission system operators. The transmission system operators and the regulated hydrogen transmission system operators are obliged to amend the gas and hydrogen NDP immediately in accordance with the amendment request. The coordination body is obliged to submit the amended gas and hydrogen NDP to the BNetzA without delay.

Coordination office/ Federal Network Agency
2nd draft NDP & change request

BNetzA consultation

The BNetzA is coordinating a final public consultation on the draft NDP. The regulatory authority shall confirm the gas and hydrogen NDP, taking into account public participation, with effect for the transmission system operators and the regulated operators of hydrogen transmission systems by the end of June 30 of each even calendar year at the latest.

Public / Federal Network Agency

Confirmation NEP gas and hydrogen


Status in the project cycle

  • No Entries